Haiku Submissions
School districts/students must be a part of the Greater Dane County Advanced Learners Network to participate in the Haiku contest. Students must be currently in the 4th grade. A teacher's guide to writing haiku is linked here and is also available at the bottom of this page. Teacher encouragement while completing haiku is very helpful. Entries must be submitted by February 10 and all entries must follow the requirements listed below. A panel of judges will read all entries and determine winners. Winners are announced by early April. A booklet containing winning Haikus is published and distributed to student winners and participating districts. Winning authors and the families are invited to attend a celebration in late April to honor their work.
how to participate
Districts sign up to participate during the GDCALN signup process in the fall. All participating districts will receive an invitation in December to a Google Team Drive entitled “Haiku GCDALN”. This drive will contain instructions about submitting entries.
All instructions were shared with district coordinators and are available here, this document included all links needed for submissions.
Teachers should do a preliminary judging and pick up to 20% of the students' work to submit. Teachers can submit up to 3 of a student's haiku.
Submissions should be done in a Google Doc format with a title and a number for each haiku.
Haiku written in Spanish are welcome.
Submissions are due on February 12, 2025.
Teachers should not include student names on the haiku pages but instead use a number and record the corresponding student name on a separate participant list.
Originality statements are required for each submission.
A sample submission folder is available for reference.
Contact Andy Wright (andy@eagleschool.org) with any questions.Please have students include a title with each haiku.
Haiku Judging Criteria
Contact Andy Wright (andy@eagleschool.org)
Happy Haiku-ing!