Greater Dane Anthology Project

The Greater Dane Anthology Project is a writing and cartooning contest for students in grades 5-8. School districts/students must be a part of the Greater Dane County Advanced Learners Network to participate.  All participating districts are expected to help with judging. Students may enter pieces in any of these categories: Cartoons, Persuasive Writing, Poetry, Creative Writing/Narrative, or Art. Entries may be submitted in either Spanish or English.

Greater Dane Anthology Information for Districts

2024-2025 Greater Dane Anthology Theme - The beauty of imperfection!

All participating districts will receive an invitation by early November to a Google Team Drive entitled “Greater Dane Anthology (school year) Submissions.” This drive will contain detailed instructions about submitting entries. This Team Drive will include all forms and materials needed (that were previously posted on this website.) All digital entries must be submitted by January 15, 2025.

Slides to introduce the theme Coming soon!

Video to introduce the theme Coming Soon!

Originality Statement - Make a copy for each student’s entry.

Spanish originality statement

Cartoon Templates


Rubrics Spanish